WHAT IS THE WALK TO EMMAUS?The Gospel of St. Luke relates the story of the risen Christ appearing to the two who were walking along the road from Jerusalem to Emmaus(Luke 24:13-35).This story provides the image for Emmaus, an Upper Room program that calls for and renews Christian discipleship. Two friends were walking together. They were sharing their deepest concerns. The risen Christ joined them and explained the scriptures as they walked, how it was ordained that Christ should suffer and so enter His glory. This experience on the road was a heart-warming experience as the risen Christ walked and talked with them. The illuminating climax of the experience was when Christ took the bread and said the blessing, then broke it and gave it to them. The two had their eyes opened and they recognized Him as the risen Christ. Emmaus is centered in the weekend experience. This "Walk to Emmaus" is with friends, the scriptures are explained in such a way to bring light and understanding to our needs. For many, it will be a heart-warming experience. Many will share so deeply in worship and Holy Communion that their eyes will be opened and see the risen Christ. Participants will study, discuss and experience God's grace in community.The context will be in 15 presentations led by lay and clergy around the theme of God's grace and how that grace comes alive in the Christian community and expresses itself in the world. This grace will become personal in small communities through a unique approach to table group discussions. Those attending the weekend personally experience God's grace through prayers and acts of service of a living support community. One of the primary strengths of Emmaus is the follow-up activities. There are two expectations of a person following his or her Walk to Emmaus: 1. Expand his/her own inner spiritual life.2. Become a more active disciple of Christ in the world through his/her church. To nurture this process of discipleship the Emmaus Movement offers specific opportunities. First, there is a follow-up meeting during the week after one's Walk to Emmaus. At this meeting each person is given an opportunity to become a part of a reunion group. Four to six persons form a reunion group and meet weekly to reflect and share their disciple opportunities and responsibilities. Second, there will be monthly meetings. All persons of a particular community or area are invited for fellowship, worship, and informal instruction. Third, through a newsletter, members become aware of support needs for upcoming events. Opportunity is given to work in the kitchen, pray in the chapel, or participate on a team. The real focus of the Emmaus Community is not on itself, but on the local church. The objective of Emmaus is to inspire, challenge, and equip the local church members for Christian action, in their homes, churches, places of work,and communities. The Upper Room has provided the above explanation. Click on the following link to download an Emmaus applicationWalk
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